PAT Group Meeting
Wednesday, December 7
ART Club 3:00 - 5:00
JVG/JVB @ Elsberry 5:30
FCA Shirt Orders and Payment Due Friday
December 6,2016
FCA t-shirt orders and money need to be turned in by, Friday, December 9th.
Girls basketball game at Crossroads will only be a varsity game. Start time 5 pm
There will be a meeting in the library Friday during advisement for any 9-12 grade student who wants to participate in "Battle of the Gateway Books" at Troy High School on February 9th at 3:00 pm.
The Yearbook party will be next Sunday, December 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Mrs. Well’s house. Yearbook staff, along with their middle school mentees are invited to attend. Please see Mrs. Wells for more information or directions.
Calling all FBLA Members… if you wish to compete in the District Leadership Conference in Hannibal, you need to pick your event and let Mrs. Wells know by today. All students must be registered by December 9th to participate.
CYV and Flex students your November log/timesheets are due to Miss Kuntz by Friday, December 9th. Also, CYV students your essays are due to Miss Kuntz as well.
Students if you are wanting to change classes for next semester please see Miss Kuntz for a Schedule Change form. Last day for schedule changes will be Friday, January 6, 2017.
SAFE members- please get your adopt a family money or items turned in to Mrs. Carnahan or Mrs. Miller by Wednesday. Please and thank you!
Christmas Concerts
Tuesday, December 6
PAT Screenings
Boy's JV/V @ Winfield 5:30
Girl's Varsity Only @ Crossroads 5:00
JH vs Clopton (8th Grade Night Between Games)
8th Grade Girl's and Boy's Basketball Players and Cheerleaders will be recognized between games Tuesday night. Congratulations to all our 8th Graders.
December 5, 2016
December 6th girls basketball at Crossroads will only be a varsity game. Start time 5 pm
The Yearbook party will be next Sunday, December 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Mrs. Well’s house. Yearbook staff, along with their middle school mentees are invited to attend. Please see Mrs. Wells for more information or directions.
Calling all FBLA Members… if you wish to compete in the District Leadership Conference in Hannibal, you need to pick your event and let Mrs. Wells know no later than Tuesday, December 6th. All students must be registered by December 9th to participate.
CYV and Flex students your November log/timesheets are due to Miss Kuntz by Friday, December 9th. Also, CYV students your essays are due to Miss Kuntz as well.
8th grade your permission slip for the Shadowing Day at PLTC is due today.
Students if you are wanting to change classes for next semester please see Miss Kuntz for a Schedule Change form. Last day for schedule changes will be Friday, January 6, 2017.
Seniors two new scholarships have been emailed to your school email. See Miss Kuntz for information.
SAFE members- please get your adopt a family money or items turned in to Mrs. Carnahan or Mrs. Miller by Wednesday. Please and thank you!
Lady Owl's vs Crossroads
Tuesday, December 6
5:00 start at Crossroads with NO JV
Still spots available for Evening Artist!!!
November Middle School Students of the Month #greatdaytobeanowl
Christmas Concert Information
Santa Shop
PAT Christmas Group Event
Trivia Time
PAT Screenings
At the half Silex 10 - 18 New Haven
Lady Owls win 58-45!!!