Teacher Appreciation Week
Congratulations to the March Students of the Month! Pictured left to right: High School/Middle School Principal, Mr. Robert James; 12th grade - Abagail Mooney; 11th grade - JW Noxon; 10th grade - Audrey Lindsey; 9th grade - Emery Heffner; 8th grade - Jack Johnson; 7th grade - Hank Mooney. Not pictured is Brooklyn Rose - 6th grade.
Concert info
FFA Plant Sale
cLASS OF 2024
HS TRack
We would like to invite students who are currently in PreK - 4th grade to attend summer school. Click https://5il.co/2ipph for more information and for the registration form.
Thank you
Senior Scholarship Night
Congratulations to Elementary teachers, Mr. Ben Painter and Mrs. Stacey Watson for being the March "Shout Out" winners! Elementary teachers and staff are encouraged to write a "shout out" of a deserving teacher or staff member and give them a chance to win the monthly drawing. Mr. Painter and Mrs. Watson  received a free lunch from the Knight Owls Cafe last Friday. Anyone who gives or receives a "shout out" is eligible to win the monthly drawing.
Silex BB
Silex Owls Apparel
Inclement Weather Info.
Teacher/Staff of the Month