Congratulations to the March Students of the Month! Pictured left to right: High School/Middle School Principal, Mr. Robert James; 12th grade - Abagail Mooney; 11th grade - JW Noxon; 10th grade - Audrey Lindsey; 9th grade - Emery Heffner; 8th grade - Jack Johnson; 7th grade - Hank Mooney. Not pictured is Brooklyn Rose - 6th grade.

Congratulations to the March Students of the Month! Pictured left to right: High School/Middle School Principal, Mr. Robert James; 12th grade - Abagail Mooney; 11th grade - JW Noxon; 10th grade - Audrey Lindsey; 9th grade - Emery Heffner; 8th grade - Jack Johnson; 7th grade - Hank Mooney. Not pictured is Brooklyn Rose - 6th grade.